Berber Carpet

Photo Gallery of Berber Carpets

Here is a collection of photos of Berber carpets. You can see a variety of installation solutions, colors and textures.

Facts and Myths: Berber Carpets and Allergies

In recent years there has been much research and debate about how the use of carpets and rugs contributes to allergies and asthma. On one side, some argue that carpets contribute to poor air quality by trapping dust an allergens in a room.  On the other hand, carpets may actually help contain allergens, preventing them […]

Berber Carpet Tiles

When I was searching for carpet for my living room, I had very few expectations. Mainly, I was looking for a carpet that was light in color (to offset my dark furniture) and for a carpet that wasn’t too expensive. I had used carpet tiles in the past and thought I would use that as […]